As a token of our appreciation, we created these desktop and mobile wallpapers exclusively for our supporters to customize their desktops, lock, and home screens.

Campus in winter.

A Fresh Snowfall

Memorial Chapel peeks through a blanket of snow.

Desktop wallpaper

Mobile wallpaper




This is PÕ¾ÊÓƵ

Colgate maroon was officially adopted as the University's color in spring 1900.

Desktop wallpaper

Mobile wallpaper



Drone shot of Football team

Shadow Play

The Colgate football team practices in the late afternoon sun at Andy Kerr Stadium.

Desktop wallpaper

Mobile wallpaper



Campus in spring.

A New Season in Bloom

Emerging blossoms signal spring in Hamilton.

Desktop wallpaper

Mobile wallpaper



Campus sunset.

Colgate at Dusk

Campus glows in the colors of sunset.

Desktop wallpaper

Mobile wallpaper



Campus in autumn.

A Raider's Best Friend

Co-eds and canines alike enjoy the waning days of autumn.

Desktop wallpaper

Mobile wallpaper

Mobile Wallpaper Help

First, download your image

Press the "Download" button next to the wallpaper you'd like to use.

If that button doesn't work, click the link below to load the image in your mobile browser. Tap and hold on the image, and select "save".

For iOS devices

  1. Go to the 'Photos' app and select the background image you want to use.
  2. Click on the share icon on the lower left corner of the screen.
  3. Select 'Use as Wallpaper.'
  4. Select 'Set' then choose either 'Set Lock Screen,' 'Set Home Screen,' or 'Both.'

For Android devices

  1. Start setting your home screen by pressing and holding a blank area on your screen (where no apps are placed), and home screen options will appear.
  2. Select 'Add wallpaper.'
  3. Choose either 'Home screen', 'Lock screen', or 'Home and lock screen.'
  4. A set of options will appear to choose where the background image will be coming from. Select Gallery.
  5. Select 'Done' to save.